
Drug sniffing K9 overdosed while screening Holy Ship 13.0 passengers’ luggage

Party passengers recently boarded Holy Ship’s 13th voyage, which departed from Port Canaveral in Florida this week. But not before going through a thorough luggage search from the US Department of Customs. Over a dozen Shippers were detained for drugs and illicit materials at port of entry — but the story here is about a dog named Jake.

While screening passengers and their luggage, Brevard County Sheriff’s Office drug-sniffing K9 discovered a batch of drugs before falling suddenly ill, reported a local news source. The dog was given Narcan by a crew member, a narcotic often used to treat overdoses in humans.

“[Jake] started having some problems with balance and had some type of seizure incident of some sort, was showing effects of having inhaled some substance,” Tod Goodyear, a sheriff’s office spokesperson, told WFTV. “They administered the Narcan and got [him] to the vet.”

The substance in the baggie was later confirmed to be a powdered form of ecstasy, in which case the active ingredient in Narcan would be totally useless to treat in a human, let alone a canine. Narcan is administered in the case of opioid overdose.

The dog is currently reported to be in stable condition. Holy Ship! 13.0 returns on Saturday, January 12.

Via: WKMG.

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