
Conscious Creators 001: LSDREAM delves into spiritual growth, evolving his BRILLZ fanbase, & transitioning to an authentically-aligned musical project

The world of electronic dance music is vast and diverse. From the commercial realm to the underground, EDM is always changing at a hyper-speed. But how can fans sift through all the noise to seek out the more substantive, meaningful, consciously-attuned musicians? Introducing: Conscious Creators, a brand new writing series from Conscious Electronic dedicated to highlighting artists who devote themselves to our mission. That is, creating more “conscious ways to consume dance music.”

These are the producers, performers, DJs, and industry professionals committed to bypassing the surface-level gimmicks (e.g. catchy lyrics, big-name collabs, trend hopping, influencer culture) in favor of something more substantial (e.g. alignment with the self, affirmational living, shadow work and light work, self-healing and self-love, living authentically, practicing intention, etc.) These are the creatives dedicated to leading their audience into conscious awakening.

When LSDREAM (real name: Sami Diament) moved on from his popular trap project, Brillz, the whole music world noticed. Seemingly overnight, Diament went from party boy producer to spiritually-enlightened guru and left-field bass music producer with a strong, unified mission. A mission so strong, in fact, that CE paid immediate notice insofar as LSDREAM’s goals were our own goals—that is, to create more conscious ways to consume dance music.

Of course, changing one’s artistic identity is much more challenging than it may seem on the surface (just look at Getter’s attempt last year with his mau5trap album). It’s not as easy as switching up one’s moniker or style. It’s about embracing an entirely new genre culture, persuading your fanbase to buy into the switch, selling one’s renewed outlook on life to the masses, and, all the while, staying true to one’s authentic self through the process. Along this major career transition, Diament has been rather frank about his path to sobriety, his struggles with depression, his growing disillusionment with the demands of fame, and his deep-seated desire to grow and evolve as an artist. And it took. His fanbase of self-proclaimed Twonk Team followers bought into it, eventually.

“All the Brillz fans were like, ‘bro, wtf are you doing?’ But at that point, I was like shining. I was feeling unstoppable and in my authentic self and all this negative energy is flying at me and I’m like: ‘You know what? I got this. Do you even know who you’re dealing] with?'”

LSDREAM, A Meme Story: My Journey Into Self-Love and Healing

In many ways, Diament was reborn not just as an artist. He was reborn as both a human working towards his own awakening as well as a conscious creator guiding his fans down a path to their own self-enlightenment. Upon signing onto Liquid Stranger’s Wakaan Records in 2018, LSDREAM began releasing a plethora of consciously-attuned content. This renewed passion for music took the form of his debut artist concept album, Renegades of Light and his Okeechobee ambient sound bath set. It took shape in tracks like “Pillars of Light” with HOWWLER.

LSDREAM’s newfound lease on life also came across in his ALCHEMY mix series, which was even featured as a Midweek Mantra Mix back when CE began the writing series in 2019. But perhaps LSDREAM’s mission shines the brightest in the track, “Shadow Self,” in which Diament said the following of the meaning behind the song:

“To know the power of my own light, I must also know the darkness. That is the path to enlightenment.”

LSDREAM plays the Ultra Worldwide stage, Ultra Music Festival, Miami, 2019. Photo: Rukes.

Beyond music, LSDREAM’s conscious-leaning content includes self-recorded motivational talks, affirmational living lectures, and the like. Diament’s intention with the LSDREAM project has been rock solid since day one: to seek spiritual enlightenment. Nowhere can that be seen more than in his Twitch live streams, his Instagram Live Stories, and a YouTube mini-series.

Recently, LSDREAM uploaded two separate talks (see below video) that together exemplify why he is the natural first pick for our inaugural Conscious Creators spotlight. In the first clip, Diament describes his journey past self-sabotage, experimenting with “psycho-naut” activities like ancient symbology and spiritual transmutation, and changing his everyday life practices to align his mind with his higher self. He began prioritizing daily gratitude, meditation, self-care and self-love. “Here’s what happened,” he says. “Things start to become more clear… I start to realize: You can’t get lost if you don’t know where you’re going.”

“I start[ed] to realize that meditation has taken me down the path to awakening… and the path to awakening led me to the journey of healing and a journey of self-love… and now I can authentically say, ‘I’m excited for all the good things to come.”

LSDREAM, A Meme Story: My Journey Into Self-Love and Healing

In the second clip, LSDREAM launches his first episode of Stay In The Light, presumably on Instagram Stories. He speaks to his spiritual journey, incorporating self-care activities into the every day, protecting your energy, and more. “What I’ve learned is that you can’t think yourself into feeling better. You can only take action,” he says in the five-minute mini-episode.

“That’s what I mean by self-care activities,” Daiment continues. “Because of all that fear and anxiety and depression, all of that is energy and energy is in the body. Energy is an actual thing. Every thought has a direct relationship to physical energy. So if we want to move those thoughts and create some space and have new perspectives, we have to do things [like] protect your energy.”

Over the years, LSDREAM has become a staple in the weird and wonderful world of Wakaan, armed with tour and festival appearances under the banner, as well as an already-extensive discography of psychedelic bass tracks. Looking towards the future, Daiment plans to continue his conscious-raising mission on Wakaan’s sister label, SSKWAN. Recently, he released the first of multiple EPs under his newly-minted downtempo side-project, LIGHTCODE. The meditational EP is titled THE EGREGORE (Part One) and it landed on SSKWAN last month.

Conscious Creators 001: LSDREAM

Conscious Creators – SoundCloud Playlist

Conscious Creators – Spotify Playlist


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